October 18, 2008


no, not a typo.
yesterday roomie and i got inspired to go above and beyond with our cheerful guest gift at a little dinner gathering. actually, i forcefully dragged her through a wild goose chase for the ingredients for tiramisu, which we managed to make with exactly enough time to refrigerate it for the minimum required 2 hours.
and we made a MESS.

chocolate shavings were everywhere!

i got mascarpone/egg/cream all over the stovetop!

and we hadn't done dishes recently enough to have proper bowls around...
i had to whip the cream in a soup pot!

plus, we were running so short on time that
we had to put the whole bit in the freezer for a while at first.

and there appears to be a lady finger shortage in the chicagoland area. it was pathetic. where i'm from, we seriously have a section of them next to the fruit. go figure.

in any case, we made one layer with madeleines. they are wayyyyy to absorbent, so don't try it... even though the flavor of this business was amazing, and all in all the dessert was a success, it wasn't A+ perfect because there just weren't enough ladyfingers to equally distribute the espresso/orange juice/cider-in-place-of-brandy (yay muslims!)

cute, eh?

more crafting stuff later, i should hope....


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