June 11, 2009

A Dalmatian Plantation!

Yesterday I enjoyed a post-work movie with some of my siblings and my mother. My youngest sister and I had the unique opportunity to pick out the movie without the input of the others, so we opted for the genre that might not be the first choice at a 'family movie night': a cartoon!

We both feigned interest in a few other films we'd included in the 'options pile', but settled on the movie we really wanted to see: One Hundred and One Dalmatians, made in 1961. I had forgotten how completely beautiful the animation is!

While searching for images, I discovered an utterly fascinating blog dealing with color in animated film. Check it out here. (The images I am using came from Mr. Iten's site.)

I love the almost papercut-like look of the buildings, and the way the foreground and background move like stop-animation. I also can't get enough of the color scheme... or the characters' clothing!



1 comment:

Anna said...

I too love the animation in this movie! I watched it recently (ok, it might have been like a year ago), and I was surprised at how bright the colors on the DVD version were (alas, my family just has it on old-fashinoned VHS)--it must have been remastered for the DVD, no?

Love you! Can't wait to see you on Saturday.