I have come to a decision.
I am in the middle of reading the book above; a fabulous and witty diatribe against our modern culture and its disregard for grammar and punctuation. Having always been extremely interested in writing-- and being prone to reading 'with a pencil in hand for corrections', just as Truss describes-- I knew that I would get a kick out of this book.
What I didn't see coming was the acknowledgment I would be forced to make that the casual way in which I write on the internet is childish and unattractive!
As someone with a design background, I will vehemently stick to my opinion that lowercase letters are beautiful. However, I couldn't help but remember that for years, in my early experiences with the internet and texting, I used proper punctuation and formatting, and appreciated the favor in others. Funny that I would abandon this "proper" emphasis as I aged...I would have thought I'd have gone in the opposite direction.
In any case, here ends my chic use of lowercase letters. Onward and upward! Why squander my knowledge of the elements of style in the name of... style?
"I am in the middle of reading the book above; a fabulous and witty diatribe against our modern culture and it's disregard for grammar and punctuation"
your "it's" does not need the apostrophe my dear.
Ah, Lora. This is why I keep you around.
That, and the fact that you're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pretty.
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